Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Get Rich Quick Scheme

Type in the keywords "get rich quick" into any search engine and you will find millions of websites using these terms to sucker people into buying their products. Don't be amongst the people that fall for these schemes.

They usually take a play on a real plan to create wealth and exploit a few parts to make their plan seem viable. Take the old Forex scheme. There are thousands upon thousands of people pushing currency trading at the common investor.

The only problem with that? Forex trading is a zero-sum game. Meaning that for someone to win, someone has to lose.

And guess what? You are playing the game against people who have millions of dollars behind them. Do you really think your $ 1,000 investment is going to be enough to go up against these "big dogs". Probably not.

MLM is another popular topic amongst the get rich quick crowd. Do a little bit of research. For everyone earning $ 10,000 per month, there is probably 10,000 people not even earning $ 100 per month.

The people at the top of these downlines are the ones making the money. And to get to the top, you'd have to be one of the first to get in on the whole thing.

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